Fundraising Policy - Complaints Procedure

This complaints procedure applies to all those involved in fundraising for HCT, including any Third Parties fundraising on behalf of HCT.

HCT will respond to any complaints from donors, beneficiaries or other parties in a timely, respectful, open and honest way.

This following statement appears on the fundraising page of HCT’s website:

Anyone wishing to lodge a complaint about the fundraising activities of HCT should make their concerns known, in the first instance, to the Executive Director, either in writing or in person. The Executive Director will endeavour to respond, in writing, to the complaint within a reasonable period of time, and no later than five working days.

The Executive Director will bring the complaint and the response provided to the attention of HCT Fundraising Committee.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response received they can take their complaint to the Chair of HCT who will endeavour to respond, in writing, to the complaint in a reasonable period of time, and no later than five working days.

If the complainant is still dissatisfied with the response they have received, they can raise their concerns with the Fundraising Regulator:

2nd floor, CAN Mezzanine Building,

49-51 East Road,

London, N1 6AH

T: 0300 999 3407


Internal Fundraising Complaints Procedure

Any member of staff or volunteer can raise their concerns regarding any aspect of HCT’s fundraising practice such as, but not limited to, the following:

They can do this either anonymously, in writing to the Executive Director, or in person with the Executive Director. The Executive Director will ensure that the complaint is kept confidential from the wider organisation (except for the Fundraising Committee) unless the complainant requests otherwise. The Executive Director will endeavour to respond, in writing, to the complaint within a reasonable period of time, and no later than five working days.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response received or feels they cannot raise their complaint, in the first instance, with the Executive Director they can make their complaint to the Chairman of HCT who will endeavour to respond, in writing, to the complaint in a reasonable period of time (not later than five working days). The Executive Director will keep the complaint confidential other than informing the members of the Fundraising Committee, unless the complainant requests otherwise.

If the complainant does not feel able to raise the complaint directly with either the Executive Director or the Chair, they can contact the Fundraising Regulator:

2nd floor, CAN Mezzanine Building,

49-51 East Road,

London, N1 6AH

T: 0300 999 3407
