Zen no Shodō

The Way of the Zen Brush at Hay Castle with Stephen Hopkins & Carolyn Blake

Venue: Hay Castle Clore Learning Space

Drawing on the Zen tradition of calligraphy, Zen Brushwork works primarily with ki, or energy. Using a large brush, the intention is to let go of thinking and allow the whole body to connect with the physical act of making a mark: to become one with the brush.

The focus of the practice is to relax body/mind and allow ki to flow freely, through energy raising exercises - yokiho - and sitting meditation - zazen.

In the course of the day we will work with mujibō, the Zen line, ensō, the Zen circle, and complete the day by brushing Dai ji zai, ‘Complete freedom’, on Japanese paper.

Cost: £35 waged, £25 unwaged.

Ink, brushes and paper will be supplied. No experience necessary.

Zen Brushwork - waged £35
Zen Brushwork - unwaged £25
Zen no Shodō